Halloween is over and it is time to put away the decorations, so now Katie wants to get out the Christmas stuff to replace it with. She called Dan today at work and asked if we could set up the tree and he said that we could decorate for Thanksgiving instead. Thanksgiving decorations? After a quick search on pinterest, we turned up some ideas that needed major modifications. We came up with our Thankful Tree.
We each traced our hand prints and came up with some things that we are thankful for. Katie had the most. She had lots of things: gymnastics, Elle, Popsicles, marshmallows, pizza, spicy cheese, Jesus, Grandma and Grandpa's House, putting up leaves, trampoline. We had to come up with ideas for Levi: milk, back pats, good burps, baths, and warm wipes. He absolutely hated having his hand traced though so Im sure he was thankful that was over. He screamed bloody murder the first 10 times I tried to do it. I had to nurse him so sleep to finally get his fist to open up.
We still have more room to add ideas to our tree until Thanksgiving :)
All of our hand leaves |
Katie and Levi and I had a great day together. At the end it got a little rough. Katie seems to always get into mischief when Levi needs to eat. Katie was sitting on the kitchen counter scooping out watermelon (that she got
out--- not sure why she put it up on the counter) with fritos and stuffing it into a sandwich roll for dinner while I
feed Levi. She keep calling for me to come over and help her get down. I figured she just wanted attention since I was busy. When
I went over to clean it up I saw a frito on the counter and it was a
little wet but I figured it was watermelon juice so I decided to eat it
anyways. Then she told me she peed on the counter. Yum. Gotta love my life <3
Update 11-6-16- We have updated this to an elementary sized bulletin board
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