Friday, July 11, 2014

Katie's Garden in July

Katie's garden is growing great.  We ate tons of sweet peas and have had lots of summer squash.  Her tomato plants are getting huge and we've gotten one red cherry tomato off her plant.  The purple tomatoes and orange tomatoes have blooms but no fruit yet.

Purple, Orange, Cherry from back to front

Photo: Another harvest
squash girl

 In the back we have patio corn growing.  Here is it when we planted it and today.


 Our grapes are producing like crazy too.  They are getting sweeter everyday.  Although Katie and her friends seem to eat them before they can get all the way ripe

Our project for the day today was trash can sweet potatoes.  We had a sprouting sweet potato on the counter so I cute it up and threw it at the bottom of a trash can that I poked some holes in.  I also threw in one red potato.  Hopefully we get some yummy potatoes in a few months :)

Lastly we have some squash plants sprouting up all over from our pile of compost.  :)