Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Deployment Curse

It never fails that the stuff hits the fan as soon as your husband leaves. This time we got a jump start on it. Four hours before Dan was supposed to be at his deployment Katie did a backflip off the changing table while Levi was getting his diaper put on. Her elbow bent back all weird and she screamed and wouldn't stop crying even with pain meds and princess Sofia. We knew it was bad. I tried to hold her still and corral Levi while Dan frantically packed the rest of his stuff up.  We had planned to put the kids to bed and finish packing and hang out leisurely.  Instead we dropped Levi off with my dad and headed to the emergency room on base.

Thankfully the medicine eventually kicked in and she fell asleep. Dan got to stay with us after his report time and got to hold her while they put the initial cast on. After saying goodbye to daddy we still had to wait for the doc again and visit the pharmacy. We made it to my parents place around 2 am. She was scheduled for an appointment at 9 am so we all woke up early for that. Levi stayed with my parents and I took Katie to get her cast since she broke her elbow. She picked pink and purple. 

The novelty of having a cast has already worn off and she is realizing that she can't do what she wants to do. No more ice skating or swimming or sand or biking.  How in the world do you keep an active kid occupied without those things?  And the cast is heavy. She goes back in six days for another X-ray and four weeks to check it. Thank God I have my parents here to help. She can't even go pee by herself yet. I hope she gets used to it soon and can get back to herself. 

I figured this has to be the whole deployment curse, right?  Well when we got back to my parents Levi slammed their fireplace door shut and broke it spewing glass EVERYWHERE!!!!!!  Prayers please!


  1. Hang in there Bonnie. It's good to get these things out-of-the-way upfront, that way the whole rest of the deployment will be smooth sailing (fingers crossed)!

    1. ugh, anything fun happening at your house yet?
