Monday, November 17, 2014

The ER- Volume 2

Things seemed to be going well today.  When Katie went up to get Levi from his nap I heard a big thud.  I go up there and Katie had tried to lift up her piano and the top popped off and all of the keys fell out everywhere.  My mom came over and we did our best to put it back together. Since it was such a beautiful day we decided to go outside. I decided to put up some Christmas lights so my mom took the kids for a wagon ride. Five minutes later I hear screams of agony getting closer. Apparently my mom let the kids out at Katie's 'mailbox'.  After getting the pretend mail a huge metal panel came loose and landed on her toe. By the time she got to me her toe was black and there was blood everywhere. Que more Tylenol and frozen to see if she would came down. She didn't. 

We headed of to the ER on base again.  The X-ray technician remembered her from a few nights ago luckily this this nothing was broken but they had to do something about the mounting pressure building up from all of the blood under her nail.

I knew it was going to be bad when they sent in two corpsman that wrapped her body up in a blanket to hold her down while they gave her this numbing agent. It was horrible.  She screamed so loudly and then they had to do the other side. They said the stuff tingled and burned.  Lovely. Mercifully it worked very quickly and they were able to clean it out.  Then they took this small needle drill and drilled two holes into her nail and squeezed the blood out.  I could not believe how much blood was under there.  About half way through one corpsman asked if she wanted to watch. The other guy quickly said that was a bad idea but Katie was curious and said she wanted to watch so we sat her up and she got to see them drain all the blood away. After I stopped feeling like I was going to faint it was interesting. Her toe went from black to a medium purple. They bandaged her up and showed me how to re bandage it and told me pus is good.  Really, puss is good?

We picked up icky del taco and ate at my parents house. After dinner Levi tripped over Katie's toe and it wasn't numb anymore. Poor babe. We'll see how tomorrow goes. She now says she is an X. Right elbow left toe bad other side good. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel so sorry for Katie. She's had a really hard week. I just can't believe that thing fell. She's been playing with it for years. The deployment curse is real.
