Saturday, July 6, 2013

We finished our backyard!

So after a lot of conflicting reports about grass delivery, we finished our backyard project yesterday!  My Dad and brother Matt came over to help Dan install the sod, which was an amazing help.  The three of them did a great job and I love the new look of our yard!

The finished backyard!!!!

What we started with when we moved in.

View from the other side
We liked the backyard when we moved in, but have always been discussing laying sod in the backyard since the landscaping is so much work to maintain and really blocks the use of the rest of the yard for Katie to use.  We needed a low maintenance, kid friendly space.

early clean up work

sod removal

Dan operating lots of heavy machinery

Everything is cleared and ready for sod

looks so much bigger

the sod is here!

getting started

everyone helped out

all finished!

the side yard

so much grass!

1 comment:

  1. It looks Fantastic!! Love the evolution of the yard. Looks like Katie did all the work.
