Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Walk in the Woods

On a non-preschool day we've got to find things to do.  Seems like Prince William Forest Park is my go to place these days.  Last time we went to the playground it was teeming with kids.  This time it was empty :(  Katie said it was okay though, that she could play with me and Levi.  :)  We all climbed into the rocker bee and rocked away.  Levi held on and giggled his head off.  Then we went for swing rides and all went down the slide in a train.  It was good times (for about 40 minutes)  Then I was ready to do something else.  Katie had gotten wet first thing when she went down the gravy slide.  (It rained here again all day yesterday)  So we decided to go for a walk on the trail we attempted last week when I was sick.  I don't know what it is about this place, but the isolation creeps me out.  Not sure if I will be eaten by a bear or killed by some hick Virginian, but I don't like the empty woods so much.  I was happy that there were two other, non killer looking people on the loop trail.  It wasn't much of a trail, but we used it to practice looking for trail markers and we had a few hours to kill in the afternoon (in a non murdering sort of way)

A walk in the woods

LEVI!  Don't I feed you enough?

Pointing out trail markers

A big long bridge

The other, non killer looking people seemed to use the trail as an exercise loop.  For me, one loop was enough.  I don't think I had quite found my calm, relaxed mentality yet where I could just go around in switchback circles for hours at a time. I needed a new trail.  We were going to head over to the Tangled playground (the one on Quantico) but Katie suggested we drive around the park a little more.  Okay.  Levi was crying so we stopped at the next place that we saw other cars parked on the side of the road.  Certainly no bears or people would eat us with other people around, right?  To get to the trail, we had to walk down a big staircase so I ditched the stroller and carried Levi in the Ergo.  Poor dude hated it, even with milk involved.  Katie decided the place was lame for hiking, but the stairs were cool. She went up and down them a few times.  Kids!  Who goes up and down stairs for fun?

At the top of the stairs.
 Since Levi was crying so much we got back in the car and drove a little further.  At a choice in the road, I picked the way with a cool looking bridge.  Well, then I was stuck driving a ways on a two lane windy road with no where to turn around.  When I finally found a place to turn it was the start of another trail and an empty parking lot.  CREEPY!  Katie suggested we go on the hike.  Really?  Into the woods with no one else around and silence in the seat next to her, which meant that Levi had finally fallen asleep...  Okay, I guess.  It sort of looked like I could maybe bring the stroller down the dirt path filled with tree roots.  Whatever.  Let's do it.  Oh and it was the Algonquian Trail.  I made my kids learn about the Algonquian Indians in Japan so I felt that I owed it to the to follow the trail and imagine my life as an Algonquian Indian as the sign instructed.  I did text Dan to let him know where we were in case some rouge Virginian decided to eat us.

The sign that inspired it all

Katie found a walking stick

She was quite proud of it

I shortened it for her :)

Checking out a small stream

Had to abandon the stroller

We made it to the river

Enjoying some tranquility

So happy to be out exploring

Look who finally woke up!

We gave him a stick so he could enjoy the nature too

Katie took this picture of us
By the time we walked back to the car, uneaten, Dan was calling and was done for the day!  Yipee!  He borrowed his roommate's car and met us back at the hotel room for free dinner and wine.  Yum :)  Oh we also made Katie a tiara today from Princess School.



  1. love your blog - so interesting and funny - so many adventures
    love you

  2. Thanks- glad someone likes my stories :) It's nice to record our adventures so we remember them in the future

  3. I like your stories too. I read them all. - Matt
